An informational carrd
So, Whats Transabled?
The term is for those who feel distress in having a certain abled or disabled body ability, and wish to change that ability. (e.g. eyesight, hearing, walking, etc)
It also includes those who have a limb and wish to not have it.
It's not always about wanting a disability, it can be about relieving dysphoria or stress that leads to disbility.
Those who feel they were meant to have a disability or simply want it for euphoric reasons are also transabled.
Despite the "trans" in transabled, you do not need to transition to be transabled
Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID), aka Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), is common in transabled individuals. BID is a disability in of itself.
Transabled is a term reclaimed by the transid community, taking it from its original transphobic and troll connations.
Q: Isn't that romanticization and ableist?
A: The short answer is no.The long answer is that transabled people are just trying to feel comfortable in their bodies, and transitioning improves their mental health."Surgery is found helpful in all subjects who underwent amputation and those subjects score significantly lower on a disability scale than [BID] subjects without body modification."Source
Q: Isn't that a term used by transphobes?
A: Yes, but the community is reclaiming it. For those who find the term uncomfortable regardless, there are lots of alternatives out there, and lots willing to come up with an alternative for you.
Q: Doesn't BID/BIID refer just to wanting to be an amputee?
A: Nope! As the disorder is further researched, they're hypothesizing that it can be for any disablity, plus there are people with lived experiences."Therefore, some researchers have proposed to broaden the intended use of [BID] to refer to individuals with a persistent desire to acquire a physical disability. These other variants of [BID] have not been investigated so far."Source
Q: Why are we encouraging people with BID to cause harm to themselves?
A: We're not! Surgery to safely remove a limb or disable in other ways has proven to significantly improve patients mental health and self image.It's not mutilation, it's bodily autonomy! It's better to get safe surgery than to attempt a self amputation. Surgery is not mutilation"Amputation of the healthy body part appears to result in remission of [BID] and an impressive improvement of quality of life. Knowledge of and respect for the desires of [BID] individuals are the first steps in providing care and may decrease the huge burden they experience."Source
Personal Experiences
Disclaimer: This is purely through the author's eyes. Everyone is different.
(being redone)
Plurality and Transablility
Transablility also connects to plurality in a unique way.
If a headmate has a disablity in headspace, but is in an able body they can identify as transabled.
However, this is only if they want to. Not all sysmates or alters will feel comfortable with this label.

A Transabled Flag
by The PSC
Colortric Flags by The Watchers

Normal Vision

Deutanopia red green

Complete Colorblindness

Protania red-green

Tritanopia blue-yellow